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Chevereto 图片托管是一款非常简洁的 PHP 图片上传程序,它支持本地上传和在线获取两种图像上传方式,并集成了 TinyURL 网址缩短服务,让使用者更加方便。
Chevereto 正版目前正在打折,有条件的 购买正版 更好。
更新日志 Released on December 23rd 2018
- Added setting to force reCAPTCHA on contact page
- Changed Google+ login to Google Sign-In (Note: requires new API keys) [10844]
- Fixed bug in password protected albums (user/albums) [10842]
- Fixed phrasing in dashboard/settings/homepage [10843]
- Fixed bug in client IP handling when using CloudFlare + load balancer [10827]
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Hebrew and Spanish translations
via. https://imoutoi.com/128.html