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PHP 在线表单生成程序,可以快速生成反馈、调查等类型的表单,管理方便,自适应多种平台。
本次发布为 UNLIMITED 无限版。
PHP version 5.3.0 or newer
MySQL database version 4.1.0 or newer
简单点就是建立数据库,修改 config.php,输入数据库信息,保存
然后打开 yourdomain.tld/installer.php 输入你的登录信箱,然后点一下就 OK 了
如果不记得登录密码那么它一个是 machform
1. 备份、将程序文件和数据库都备份。
2. 上传、将新版文件和文件夹都上传,除了 data 文件夹和 config.php 文件不要上传。
3. 更新、打开 http://www.yourdomain/machform/upgrade.php 进行更新。
Feature: Media Fields (Add Image/Video)
Feature: Support for“Approval Status”condition for webhook logic.
Feature: Added“Form is submitted”condition for email and webhook logic.
Improvement: Support negative pricing for PayPal Standard
Improvement: When‘UK’is selected as default country on address field, the state & zip label are adjusted to county & postcode
Improvement: Added‘Send Customer Email to Authorize.net’to support email field requirement when using European payment processor
Improvement: Added INR currency to payment settings page for check/cash option
Improvement: Resume link is now clickable
Improvement: Default CHMOD changed to 755 for increased security
Improvement: Added new custom CSS class‘hide_cents’to hide cents from Price field
Update: Removed support for reCAPTCHA v1 (Deprecated by Google)
Bugfix: Changing the file type limit to‘allow’and then turn off the file type limitation setting will block any upload
Bugfix: Matrix fields hidden due to logic shouldn’t be displayed within email
Bugfix: Price field incorrectly populate‘0’as default value
Bugfix: Removed entry number from the generated PDF on email
Bugfix: Distorted form logo on mobile devices
Bugfix: Duplicate emails being sent when skip-page logic to success page being used and delay notification until paid is set to off
Bugfix: The‘save and resume’button is not being checked against accidental double submissions. Same bug as on 4.7 resurfaced, since v5.0
Bugfix: Default values on the last page of the form won’t be displayed after the first form submission
Bugfix: In some cases, editing entry on a form with payment enabled will generate error‘Subquery returns more than 1 row’