共计 769 个字符,预计需要花费 2 分钟才能阅读完成。
挺老牌的一款 PHP 图片分享程序。
早期版本有破解的,后来官方直接发布了 2.X 的免费版本,后来又推出 1.X 版本。
Chevereto v3.10.14 系统需求
Apache or Nginx web server (recommended servers)
PHP > 5.5.0 (with standard libraries and mbstring)
MySQL 5.0
Chevereto v3.10.14 更新日志
Released on May 22nd 2018 chevereto 3.10.14 更新
Added PUP support for XenForo 2
GDPR: Added user data export in JSON format (data portability)
GDPR: Added explicit check box “I agree to terms and privacy policy”
GDPR: Added link to privacy page under cookie law message
Fixed bug in Google Storage [9840]
Fixed bug in SQL update script (from 2.X) [9859]
Fixed display issue on album display (long descriptions) [9858]
Fixed bug in sign up button (top bar)
Updated Danish, French, German and Spanish translations
源码由 樱花博客 破解并分享。
完全二开、安装汉化、中繁补丁包修复 + 更新、修复疑似 PING 后门。